How to Get Blood Out Of Clothes at Work

Most people do not bring a spare outfit to work in case of an emergency. That means, if you have a small nosebleed, cut a finger, or get blood on yourself some other way while at work – you likely only have the clothes on your back. You have limited time, supplies, and room to clean blood at work.

Having blood on your clothes while at work is inconvenient and unprofessional. But accidents happen. Below, we go over several ways you can help get blood out of your clothes, both at work and at home.

Cleaning Blood at Work

Most people do not have access to a full washing machine, let alone a full second outfit, while at work. Finding quick, easy ways to remove blood from clothes is important when you have the next board meeting in 10 minutes.

If you find yourself with a spot or two of blood on your clothes while at work, your solutions are limited. However, that does not mean you do not have any options. Blotting the stain or using a Tide To Go Instant Stain Remover Pen are the two most common solutions for people on the go. But how do they work?

·        Blot the Stain

As soon as you notice the blood on your clothes, it is important to get to a bathroom to blot the stain. This helps to remove any excess blood.

You will need to gather some paper towels, toilet paper, or a rag to help with this. Using cool water, wet the paper towel. Rub the stain vigorously with the wet towel if the stain is fresh. (A dried stain, however, may take a bit more rubbing and blotting to remove.)

If the stain is fully removed, you can dry the area. Use a dry paper towel, rag or toilet paper to remove excess water from the area. If your work facility has electric hand dryers, you can use one to expedite the drying process. If not, you may need to try the next solution.

·        Tide To Go Instant Stain Remover Pen

Now this option takes a bit of forethought. Tide makes a To Go Instant Stain Remover Pen. This pen, which is safe for whites and colors, is designed for specifically removing fresh stains while on the go. (It is great for all stains, not just blood, so we recommend keeping one in your desk, vehicle, or purse!)

Roughly the size of a dry erase marker, this pen works easily. After blotting your stain and removing as much of the blood as possible, give the Tide To Go Instant Stain Remover Pen a try. Simply press the tip of the pen onto the stain several times, covering the entire area with the Tide liquid. Then, use the pen tip and rub the stain gently. If needed, press the pen tip to add more liquid as you go and continue to gently rub the stain until it disappears.

Continuing the Effort At Home

Once bloodstains set in, they can be extremely hard to remove. This is why it is important to treat your stains as soon as possible, even if you are at work.

Blotting the stain and your Tide To Go Instant Stain Remover Pen are quick solutions you can try at work. However, you will likely need to follow up with stronger measures once you get home to ensure the stain has been completely removed.

While bloodstains are notoriously difficult to remove, there are actually several household items you likely already have that can assist you with the removal. (Some of you may even have these items at work depending on where you are employed!)

·        Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is a first aid staple in many households. Using 3% hydrogen peroxide, apply the liquid directly to the bloodstain. After allowing it to sit for a few minutes, rinse the stain. Then, simply launder as usual. (You should keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide works best on fresh stains only.)

·        White Vinegar

Pouring white vinegar on a bloodstain is another option. Saturate the stain with the vinegar and allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Blot the stain with a cloth or paper towel. Repeat this process until the stain has completely faded then wash the item per usual.

·        Soda

Believe it or not, soda is a great way to remove bloodstains. Soak the stain your cola for as long as possible, preferably overnight. Then wash your clothes like you typically would.

·        Diluted Ammonia

Using a solution of diluted, half-strength ammonia, dab the bloodstain. Allow the stain to sit with the solution for several minutes before laundering. (This solution is also great for use on sweat and urine stains as well!)

·        Saltwater

Cold saltwater has been known to help remove bloodstains as well. Apply the sold saltwater mixture directly to the stain and allow it to soak for 3 to 4 hours. After sitting, apply a bit of liquid detergent to the stain and rub it in. Then throw the item in the wash and clean per usual.

·        Talcum Powder

Make a paste by combining talcum powder with water. Apply this paste to the bloodstain and allow to dry completely. Once dry, you can brush the crumbles away and wash the item. If the stain has not been completely removed by the dried paste before washing, however, you may need to apply a second or third round of the mixture and repeat the process.

·        Cornstarch

If you do not have talcum powder, cornstarch is a great substitute. Mix the cornstarch with cold water and cover the stain with the paste. (Make sure you rub it in!) As with the talcum powder solution, allow the paste to completely dry. After brushing the dried paste away, if the stain remains, repeat the process. Then, launder as usual.

·        Meat Tenderizer

Mix 1 part meat tenderizer with 2 parts cold water to create a paste. (Add more water or meat tenderizer as required. The paste should be consistent with toothpaste.) As with the talcum powder and cornstarch, rub the paste into the stain. Allow the paste to fully dry, which may take 30 minutes. (Leave on or reapply throughout the day for set in stains.) Brush off the dried paste and check the stain. If it appears to have faded completely, wash the item as usual. If it is still there, repeat the paste application and drying process until gone.

·        WD-40

WD-40 is another great product sitting on a shelf in many households. Not only is it great for helping unstick items, it is also wonderful for pretreating bloodstains. Spray the WD-40 directly on the bloodstain and allow it to soak in for several minutes. Then, wash your clothes as you usually would. This is another solution that works best on fresh stains, but it is worth trying for set in ones as well. (In fact, WD-40 has been known to help with all kinds of stains, including lipstick, grease, ink and dirt!)

Remove Stains As Soon As Possible

As with any stain, it is extremely important that you attempt to remove a bloodstain as soon as possible. We understand that accidents happen and that is why it makes it essential that you address a bloodstain even when they appear at work.

Once a stain dries, it may become even harder to remove. In fact, most experts will tell you that a bloodstain that has been unaddressed for 24 hours becomes almost impossible to remove. However, with the solutions and tips above, treating the bloodstain quickly has never been easier.

Additionally, many of the solutions above can help treat more than just bloodstains. Repeat applications may be required depending on the severity of the bloodstain. Check the stained area before tossing the clothes in the dryer. Do not put your clothes in the dryer until the stain has been completely removed or you risk setting the stain yourself.