How To Get Rid Of Mold Inside Shoes?

Getting rid of mold inside shoes is a challenging task. However, if you follow our tips and use the products mentioned below, you can do that easily.

To have mold inside your leather shoes means throwing them away, right? Not necessarily! Several methods can eliminate the fungus. Here are some tips on how to do that.

Why Is There Mold Inside My Shoes? 

As a fungus, mold needs these three factors for optimal growth: moisture, food (usually organic matter), and an ambient temperature above 50 degrees. If any of these are present, mold can start to grow on your shoes. 

Many different types of mold can grow on footwear, requiring other removal methods. There are, thankfully, a few easy ways to remove mold from your leather or suede shoes without too much effort. 

These include wearing quality shoes, using a dry cleaning cloth or soft brush to absorb the moisture before it leads to visible mold growth, rubbing alcohol on the visible portion of the mold, and baking soda as a preventative measure if excess water is present.

Step 1 – Wear Good Quality Shoes

If you’d want to discover how to get rid of mold inside your shoes, it starts with wearing quality shoes. The leather saddle soap will clean the leather and kill the mold spores lodged in the shoe.

Leather conditioners will keep your shoes soft, but they are less likely to develop mold spores if you wear quality shoes. If you want your shoes to dry fast so they can air dry, put them in the sun or place them near a space heater on a low setting. 

You should never wear wet shoes, which encourage mold growth. You can also help dry your shoes by putting them outside or on an outdoor clothesline on a sunny day with good air circulation.

Step 2 – Maintain Your Shoes Regularly

Maintaining your shoes regularly is the best way to prevent mold from growing. This process can include wiping your shoes with a damp cloth and letting them air dry. 

Try to avoid exposing your shoes to water for extended periods. If you have mold on your shoe, place it in the sun and try to dry it out as much as possible. However, remember that all the mold may not be gone after one day. 

You can move this along by putting a fan near your shoe so it will get more circulation and help dry out any remaining moisture inside your shoes. The drying process should take at least three days or until there’s no longer any wetness inside the shoe. Soften any dried-out pieces with a soft cloth before putting them back into your shoes if necessary. 

Step 3 – Clean Your Shoes After Each Use

While cleaning your shoes after each use is unnecessary, it will help you avoid mold. Take a dry rag and wipe the shoe’s interior with water only. 

If you have already developed mold on your shoe, try brushing it off with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Then, place the shoe in a dry area until your subsequent use. Be sure to shake off any debris before placing it in this area. 

Allow your shoes to air out for about 10 minutes before wearing them again to avoid recontaminating them with moldy particles that may be on their surface. Also, keep the area where you store your shoes as clean and dry as possible to discourage mold from growing there.

Step 4 – Prepare The Proper Solution

The mold will likely grow inside your shoes because they’re damp and dark. So, you will need to remove the moisture inside the shoe first. 

The best way to do this is using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment that can suck up water inside your shoes. Once you’ve taken out as much moisture as possible, you’ll need to sprinkle baking soda over the entire interior surface of each shoe and then cover it with an old sheet or towel. 

Step 5 – Mix The Solution And Soak The Stain With A Brush

Mix the solution and soak the stain with a brush. Apply the key to the inside of your shoe by dipping a brush in and brushing it over the area. 

If you don’t have a brush, use a sponge or cloth. The goal is to saturate all areas with solution, so be sure that any hard-to-reach areas are covered. If you don’t want to use baking soda, you can try using vinegar instead. 

Vinegar also has antibacterial properties but doesn’t kill mold or baking soda. In most cases, you’ll need more than one application for vinegar to kill mold completely – which means more time spent cleaning your shoes!

Step 6 – Pat Dry And Let The Solvent Set In For 12 Hours

After thoroughly drying the inside of your moldy shoes, let the solvent set in for 12 hours. This will ensure that all of the molds are removed from your shoes. 

Then, place them outside to air-dry. If you can, put them somewhere with shade so they do not dry out too quickly and become cracked again. Make sure to inspect them daily until they are dehydrated because if any of the solvents evaporate too quickly, they may leave some harmful residue on the shoe. 

Cleaning it up requires more than just vinegar or baking soda; an industrial cleaner or other strong chemical is needed.

Step 7 – Rub Alcohol On The Mold

If the baking soda and the vinegar doesn’t do the magic, you can try rubbing alcohol to remove the mold from your shoes. You will want to apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to the moldy area and then use a brush, cloth, or sponge to scrub off the mold. 

Use plenty of water afterward to rinse away any remaining mold spores. Rubbing alcohol should be safe for most materials, but it is always best to test a hidden area first. Please don’t put it on again until it’s completely dried.

Step 8 – Store The Shoes Correctly And Air Them Out Often

To get rid of moldy shoes, store the boots in an airy place and ensure they are dry before storing them. If the shoes are wet, hang them up to dry and then keep them. 

Air out your shoes often so moisture does not build up inside them.

Step 9 – Don’t Forget To Spray The Shos With Anti-Microbial Spray

Once you’ve removed the mold, you should remember to spray the shoe with an anti-microbial spray and allow it to dry. This should prevent the decay from returning.

Using harsh chemicals like bleach could damage your shoes, so avoid doing so! Instead, lightly clean the inside of your shoes with a spray. Before wearing them again, give them at least 12 hours to air dry.


If you have mold inside your shoes, it is essential to take action quickly. Mold grows when there is not enough airflow and moisture. 

The most productive method for removing mold from shoes is by airing them out by leaving them open overnight in dry, warm weather outside or near a heater or fire. You can also use baking soda, rubbing alcohol, or an antibacterial spray on the inside of your shoe.