What Should Be In An Industrial First Aid Kit

First aid kits have become a must for any workplace as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA. OSHA states, “In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons shall be adequately trained to render first aid. Adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available.”

We all know the basic first aid kits that include bandaids, gauze, and disinfectants., but were you aware that there is more than one type of first aid kit? The two main kinds of first aid kits are “Class A” and “Class B” kits.

The Class A first aid kit will be for smaller workplaces such as offices. This first aid kit is designed to handle most workplace injuries, including falls, slips, cuts, or muscle strains.

The  “Class B” kits are for industrial workplaces such as warehouses, factories, or any workplace with a high-risk environment. This first aid kit is intended to handle a much broader spectrum of injuries than a class A as well as supply a larger workforce.

First aid kit contents

Below is our list of what is required by OSHA to be in your industrial first aid kit. We break down the quantity of the items required as well as their general use.

  1. Adhesive bandages- These are your standard bandages and are commonly used in most workplace injuries. There should be fifty adhesive bandages in your industrial first aid kit.
  2. Adhesive tape – Used to hold bandages or gauze padding on a wound, OSHA recommends you have two rolls of adhesive tape within your kit.
  3. Antibiotic application – An item that can be used on bandages to treat cuts, burns, or any injury that would require a disinfectant. The recommended amount is 25 applications.
  4. Antiseptic wipes – Each kit should have a minimum of 50 antiseptic wipes, such as alcohol pads. These wipes can be used for cleaning superficial wounds as well as disinfecting things like tweezers.
  5. Breathing barrier – A breathing barrier is a flat plastic barrier that lays across a person’s mouth and nose. This barrier conforms to the face and allows the rescuer to blow through a hole in the middle. It is recommended to have one of these in your kit.
  6. Burn dressing – You will need two burn dressings in your industrial first aid kit. These dressings will be used to absorb any fluid from a burn.
  7. Burn treatment- In your industrial first aid kit, you need to have 25 burn treatments such as gels. These gels are used to treat burns on-site in order to reduce injuries.
  8. Cold pack – You are required to have two cold packs within your first aid kit. Cold packs are used as compresses to alleviate minor injury pain. These will be ideal for sprains, cuts, bruises, or burns.
  9. Eye covering- Two pairs of eye coverings need to be in each first aid kit. Certain eye injuries require special bandages intended for your eye sockets.
  10. Eyewash – Four fluid ounces of eyewash are required to be in industrial first aid kits. Eyewash is used to remove dust and debris from the eyes and to irrigate skin.
  11. First aid guide – One first aid guide will be required for any industrial first aid kit. This guide will show the reader the steps to provide CPR. You will also be able to find instructions for how to use all items located within the first aid kit.
  12. Hand sanitizer – Ten hand sanitizers are required per kit, usually found in wipes. You should always sanitize your hands before and after treating a wound.
  13. Medical exam gloves- Two pairs of medical exam gloves should be in your kit. These should be worn when treating a wound.
  14. Roller bandage 2 inch – Two roller bandages are required per kit. These bandages can be used for multiple injuries such as sprains, providing pressure to control bleeding, or securing dressings.
  15. Roller bandage 4 inch – One four-inch bandage is required in each industrial first aid kit. These will have the same application as the two-inch roller bandage.
  16. Scissors – One pair of scissors is required per kit. The scissors are used for cutting tape or bandages to size.
  17. Splint – One splint per kit. Splints are used to keep an injured body part from moving. You will be using a splint to stabilize a broken bone generally.
  18. Sterile pads – Four sterile pads are required. The sterile pads are used for minor scrapes, cuts, or burns.
  19. Tourniquet – One tourniquet per kit. The tourniquet will be used to help blood loss from a significant injury.
  20. Trauma pads – Four trauma pads should be in each kit. Trauma pads are used to stop major blood loss from parts of the body.
  21. Triangular pads – Two triangular pads per first aid kit. These are used to immobilize an injured part of your body, such as your arm. They can also be used as padding if needed.According to OSHA, an industrial first aid kit should be inspected annually to ensure it is complete with all the necessary supplies and in a usable condition. You also want to make sure none of the items within your first aid kit have expired. You wouldn’t want to find yourself in a situation needing to use an item only to have it become ineffective due to the expiration date.

    Keep your kit stocked!

    As you can see, there are many types of supplies you need to have stocked within your industrial first aid kit. If you follow the list above, you will be complying with OSHA’s standards for your workplace. This doesn’t mean you cannot add more to the first aid kit to tailor it to your specific environment. It’s important to make sure to inspect the first aid kit often to make sure the supplies are stocked up and have not expired. Remember, if you’re ever in a situation where you are unsure how to administer first aid, consult the first aid guide within your industrial first aid kit

If you follow this guide, you will have an up to code industrial first aid kit.